DETAILS AND EQUIPMENT -Repower preformed in April 2021 with 507 HP NEW C7.1s. -Only 450 hours. Balance of full 5 year 1500 hour warranty will transfer. -This is the fastest 32 Cabo out there with this power. -New ZF gears during repower -New Northern Lights 6kw generator 64 hours -Garmin 12”xsv x 2 -Garmin 7“xsv in the tower -Garmin XHD2 open array -Sionyx Nightwave night camera -All pumps replaced since purchase -New Strataglass 4/22 -Bottom sanded and painted 3/22 -Propspeed -StandardHz AIS radio with wireless tower remote -New Fusion 700N with 1000W amp, speakers and remote station -New Seastar tower steering -27kt cruise -38kt WOT -Burn rate no idea. Typical 12 hour out and back off the coast of Oregon Inlet NC is 140 gals.